
LCA of the Primeo Energy Cosmos building and its reused construction products

Supplementary material to the conference paper:

M Frossard, S Lasvaux, F Petetin, L Gross, "Reuse practices in building construction: proposition of a life cycle assessment methodology and application to a case study in Switzerland", CISBAT 2023

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Building Photo


Type of project: New construction

Type of building: Education and training

Construction materials: Concrete, steel and wood

Building energy reference area (ERA): 723.9 m²

Floors: 3

Location: Münchestein (BL), CH

Project phase: Completed in late 2022

Key metrics

Material Intensity

Share of Reused Components

Reused Components Supply Distance

Construction's life cycle GHG Emissions

Avoided GHG Emissions due to reuse




% of total mass


km (weighted average)


kg CO2-eq./sqm/year


kg CO2-eq./sqm/year

Reuse strategy

Reuse map

Changing the visibility of the columns can mess the table display. 🔧To re-arrange the columns, double-click on the "n°" column's title.

Material mass analysis

Building LCA impacts

LCA of reused components

The table describes the reused products, their supply-chain activities and the associated GHG emissions.

Select a set of columns by clicking on the buttons with the '🔍' icon.

Click on the button to show the missing columns' values.

LCA data quality are evaluated in terms of degree of confidence in their representativeness and appropriateness. Data quality is rated with colored dots:

Very good : project-specific & product-specific data

Good : data is a good estimate but may come from a different project or product

Average : data is an expert jugement or hypothesis based on partial knowledge of the reality

Poor : data is generic, default data from external source or hypothesis

Unavailable : no LCA data is used or available, hence calculation is not performed

Material mass analysis graph shows the mass shares of material groups and products in the total mass of the building.

Hover with the pointer and click on the materials groups and products to show their respective mass share (%).

Building LCA impacts are show in the table for each KBOB's impact indicators:

The columns are the building life cycle modules according to EN 15804 and EN 15978.

Select the unit of the LCA impacts expressed either by sqm ERA of building or by sqm ERA of building and by year of building's lifetime (60 years)

This graph shows the impact per kg of product of the selected LCA indicator for the reused products (left) and their new equivalent production (right). New materials effectively used in the building are not shown.

Interact with the graph by clicking on the labels in the legend (i.e. A1-A3, A4, B4, C1-C4) and by zooming on the desired portion of the graph.